If you could make any merchandise based on your world, what would it be?

What kind of merch would your world have? Would they be T-Shirts, or figurines, or plushies?

For my world, I'd definitely make life-size plushies of my Fairy Moth characters, who are around 1 foot in size. Their colorful, rather cutesy design would translate perfectly to plushie form! They're small, fluffy, and colorful.

Personally, I'm not really a graphic T-Shirt kinda guy. I like shirts with more subtle designs that aren't so bold or in-your-face. If I were to make clothes based on my world, it'll either be simple T-Shirts with symbols from the world, or fancy cosplay-style apparel based on the shirts, tunics, and robes my fantasy races wear. They'd probably be expensive though. I'd probably put a legal disclaimer that says the shirts obviously aren't enchanted. (though it'd be cool if they were.)