Do you find that lifting and social media wrapped your idea of what a good body look like?

I'm really passionate about lifting and working out, been working out for 1 year 5 months, though only 9 months consistently. Naturally, my feed is full of perfect bodies and fitness influencers (the good kinds) giving scientific advices. Of course, their bodies is perfect too. Everyday every minute I'm on social media I see people with perfect bodies.

It's not until I once went to a public pool, I was shocked to see that I couldn't find anyone look like those bodies I had seen on social medias. Like nodoby looks half as good. People aren't that muscular, the people who are muscular didn't have a flat tummy, let alone six packs. Literally everyone has a bit of belly fat, if not a lot. No guys on the public swimming pool that day looks like those I've seen.

I've working out, I got results and changes that I can see and feel proud of myself. I wear tank tops on the srtreets and people were complimenting me, and I don't even look one fifth as good as any one of them.

But I guess we have to look at things from the positive side, and try to maintain objectivity and practicality. Yes, not much people looks like that, but that doesn't mean we should all feel satifsy with ourselves and don't try to be as good as we could, physique-wise. We should see them as inspirations, and feel happy with ourselves with every small change we have.

But I'm afraid not everyone out there could see it like that, they might think out there everyone looks like that and feel shitty about themselves. I've just come across a 22 years old guy going enhanced before even trying to lift like a natural, He injected THEN started to lift. he's been lifting for only 1 month and already injeccted himself. I made a comment asking him to share his reasons, he said he wants to be as big as fast as he could to look good. That he's already 22 and doesn't want to wait 5 years to look good, then he's too old. I wonder if social media has had any impact on him for him to be so focused on aesthetic that much