Newb sawstop question about the zero clearance insert

I've got my saw assembled and am working on calibrating the fence / miter slots (haven't turned it on yet) and I'm noticing that the blade teeth clip one side of the zero clearance insert. This is my first table saw so I'm not sure if that's ok (and will clear up once I use the saw) or if I need to perform some adjustments to ensure move the blade or insert?

I don't see anything regarding this in the manual but I did see a video that mentioned I should slowly raise the blade (while running) through the insert to clear enough space for it.

Figured I'd ask here before I try anything that's potentially unsafe.

Just to be clear: The blade is aligned to the miter slot, but needs to be "shifted" to the right a few mm's to ensure the teeth don't clip the zero clearance insert.