Make the ques longer!!!

I don't mind waiting a longer queue if it means being matched with someone my rank. For example having someone who is diamond 1 playing with an emerald 4 is disgusting.

This also causes alot of imbalance in the game, if the enemy team has a diamond 1 jung and you are stuck with an emerald 4 jung who doesn't even know what he is building.

If you are going to put 2 diamond one players then they should be in the same lanes. Diamond sup or top won't have nearly as much influence as a diamond 1 jung.

Idm waiting however long, especially if you playing enough games. I think many players would agree with me on this.

Once you get to diamond, let us have our long ques it's only fair. I understand fast que times is to attract new players, at diamond they aren't really new anymore.