Whoop to Scandinavia - VAT?
We have to pay a 25% extra tax (for product AND shipping) whenever we purchase from another country, even if the product only costs $5. I assume the customs look at the total amount paid for the package.
So here’s my question: if I buy Whoop with a yearly subscription, will the package/receipt inside of it say it’s worth €264, thus me having to pay an extra €66 upon arrival?
If that’s the case, would it only say €30 if I instead pay monthly? (Can I afterwards switch to yearly payment, or am I stuck paying €30x12?)
My parents are now in their 70s, so I want to buy them both a Whoop to help monitor their health (and lie through my teeth about there being any subscription cost, otherwise they won’t let me, lol). It would also give me some peace of mind.
But two Whoops with 25% added tax will be expensive.
Thanks for reading 🙏
PS: any other costs I should be aware of when ordering outside the UK/US? 🙈 I know some companies may add (made-up) costs for whatever reason.