Bears need to realize that every single time there is any relevant Fed related news, the market will go up

“Imhotep speaking! Time to buy puts!” Market rallies instead

“CPI numbers soon. Time to buy puts!” Market rallies instead

“PPI numbers soon. Time to buy puts!” Market rallies instead

“FOMC meeting soon. Time to buy puts!” Market rallies instead

It’s funny because this has happened for the entire year. And yet still, every time, without fail, tons of people on this sub who want to be like Burry buy puts expecting it to drop and it never does.

A few weeks ago when I made a front page post saying that it’s time to accept that the market only goes up, there were some naysayers saying “ah damn, looks like we’ve topped out now!”. Instead, as predicted, the market kept rallying. I already mentioned the reason for this before and it hasn’t changed, and never will change: on any given day, most people are buying. No one regularly sells anything.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Einstein