Finances pushing back the date
27F and 29M, we have been married for 3 years and are childhood sweethearts, so we have been dreaming of having a family for a long time already. This year we conquered a big goal which was buying a home, a home which will be spacious and safe and suitable for a family. Originally the plan was to start TTC shortly after buying a home, this fall. But the expenses of being a homeowner have been a bit of a struggle for us, and we have had several things break that need repairing, all which need cash which we just don’t have right now, as purchasing a home took most of our cash. We also recently bought a new couch, a guest bed, and flights out to see family, so cash is just thin right now. To top it all off, our old lemon of a car is on its last legs and we are searching for a new car that can grow w our family but that will be affordable. It all seems like too much at once right now.
I know we will move past this and if we just take another year to wait we will be able to build our savings back up. I am mostly at peace with this reality but there’s still a piece of me that’s angry and sad. Angry that it’s so hard financially to start a family these days. Sad that our family planning will be on hold for at least another year. Wondering if we will ever feel financially ready.
Just a rant into the void. I knew if anyone would understand these struggles it would be this group 💟