An old timer in a changing industry - navigation advice and stories

I'm a freelancer who's been operating full time for nearly 20 years - I recently turned 40. When I started i was the only person in my area doing video, but now thanks to the way that social media has changed things, video folks are popping up everywhere. I don't want to be a gatekeeper and like seeing young people get into what I do, and I genuinely hope that competition creates demand - if one business gets someone done then a competitor may want it too. But i've been complacent over the years in promoting my business, relying on word of mouth, and really haven't kept an eye on competitors until I look and feel like an old dude in a sea of competition.

So I'm wondering if any old timers on here have felt the same and found how to utilise their experience, and also what a changing industry has meant for them.

Thanks so much

EDIT: Thanks for the responses so far everyone - i'm pleasantly surprised to hear the encouragement and to know I'm not the only one who feels like this. Reddit can be great. I'm going to just keep on keeping on and strike the balance between leaning on what experience i have and using that experience to adapt to the market. Any other advice or stories about the practicalities of that appreciated.