Plan to collapse British economy
Since I started playing Vic3 I wanted to collapse British eco, and this is my plan, let me know what you think. My idea is to make a informal block consisting of France, Austria, Russia and I will be switching between these and British subjects.
I would export as much as possible to Britain: -Russia: wood and grain -Austria: iron, coal, steel -France: furniture, clothes, tools
The idea is to make these resources very cheap so after exporting GB doesn’t get much of the industry, at the same time granting GB the investment right in my countries. The plan is to also to focus on raw resources in GBs subjects.
In the mid game GB should have little of industry in their country and most of the money coming from capitalists investing in other nations, and when the time is right make a big diplomatic play releasing all the subjects and privatizing the industry in all countries.
After the war GBs capitalists should suddenly become unemployed and numbers should go down. I’m not sure if privatizing war goal also gets building from capitalists or only directly owned by country, that’s very important and gonna test this later to see if my plan can even work.
Let me know what you think.