I(20m) am an undergraduate Junior with a 3.24 gpa who just switched into biology with hopes of becoming a vet

My science gpa(although I havent checked) is most likely in the 3.5-3.6 range. College has been very eye opening for me in terms of what I want to do with my life. I started out as a civil engineering major, then switched to political science the next semester, then to environmental science, and finally to biology. My first semester at school i had a 2.4 and have been working my way back up ever since.

Due to my frequent switches, all I have left for my degree are my major courses, which are the ones tested on the mcat/gre.

I am a very good test taker and realized that I would need the advantage of a great mcat score rather than a great gre score to stay competitive with admissions

I have decided that the best idea for me would be to skip this years round of applications and take the mcat next year and study throughout this upcoming calendar year.

My parents are divorced and I go to school in a state seperate for both so i can qualify for in state throughout 3 states: New York, Florida, and South Carolina

I understand that limits my choices to cornell, uf, and clemson.

As I an just beginning “the road to vet school” I was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice/resources that may be helpful.

I have applied for internships at the bronx zoo, central park, the ny aqaurium, the NC zoo, and the riverbanks zoo for this summer. I also have been volunteering at various animal shelters since the age of 11 and have worked as a “shelter” educator.