Black Friday deal…phone unlocking?

Escape plan help?! We are considering signing up for the Verizon promo today, with new phones and watches, all Apple. The deal is that we get credits for the next 36 months that pay for the hardware.

If Verizon raises prices, or their services causes us to switch service in say, one year, what are our options to switch carriers?

  • Policy says 60 days to unlock paid phones.
  • I don’t see an option to pay off the phone outside of cancelling service.

What I see happening (scenario)… January 2025, cancel Verizon, we are finally allowed to pay off the phones. +60 days, the phones unlock (March 2025). In the meantime, he have ported our numbers to brand new phones that we had to buy from t-mobile or anyone else. Our now unlocked Verizon devices arrive on eBay.

Am I over thinking this, or is this exactly the risk I’m taking for free equipment?