Is consuming milk from your own cow who you grew up with against the idea of veganism?
I know that the whole concept of veganism is because animals are harmed in order to produce the animal products and that's why you shouldn't consume it. But what if you grew up with the animal? You take care of it. You only milk the cow after the calf is done feeding. What if the cow is only grass fed in a field like it should? Does it still go against the principles of being vegan?
Another question, what about honey? Do vegans consume it?
Edit: since a lot of people are asking the same question again and again in different words, let me clarify a few things.
1) this cow in question has been with us for 6 years. Without a calf, without lactating, without anything.
2) she got pregnant accidentally one day roaming the fields. No artificial insemination was done.
3) for people asking what will happen once she stops lactating, nothing will change. She will continue to be with us.
4) we have not decided what to do with the male calf as they become very violent and we have kids and elderly in the house.
No hate please, only trying to understand things.