A new rule for the subreddit WRT medical advice?

How open would people (mods especially) be to a "no medical advice" rule being introduced to this subreddit?

I've seen a lot of threads created about real or perceived nutrient deficiencies as well as eating disorders, and I'm extremely uncomfortable with how many people are licensing themselves to diagnose and prescribe for disorders/deficiencies/etc.

To be clear, I think that reflecting on medical/dietary knowledge in general is acceptable. I also think that personal anecdotes about health/wellness/treatments/etc are fine, so long as they are framed as such.

But too many users in this subreddit are giving medical advice that they are not qualified to give, and I think that such a thing is too dangerous to allow. I think it should be actively discouraged, and I don't think it should be tolerated when it does happen. This subreddit is not a doctor/dietitian/etc and it should not be mistaken as a substitute for one.

Again, the line for me is when someone with absolutely no real license to do so is recommending one course of action or another in a medical (or medically sensitive) context, or when someone is identifying something as disordered/etc when they have no credentials to do so.

We can and should share information, but any recommendation or conclusion best left to a medical professional should be the strict domain of said professionals.

I hope others agree. Let me know what you think.

(Thinking about it more: I feel like the rule should be "no seeking or giving medical advice". Because someone using this subreddit instead of a professional is also making a mistake and creating kind of a dangerous environment.)