Forgive me for being naive or maybe insensitive to those of you who are suffering from this terrible illness. Last night when bowling, someone pointed out that I have very hyperextended knees and elbows. This was not news to me. I’ve always just thought I was double jointed. However, she then proceeds to say that I have translucent skin because she could see veins in my chest and shoulders. She then concludes that I could likely have vEDS. Safe to say I spent all night googling and am very scared. I don’t know anyone in my family who has had any of the incidents described online. If you have vEDS, does someone in your immediate family always have it too? I guess I’m just wondering if this is a rabbit hole I should be going down given this girls statements? Or do I ignore it and carry on with my life? I am 25 years old and have never had any real issues with health besides hypothyroid and celiac disease.