Those who graduated or attending uni, why?

I just finished High School top of my grade, everyone including teachers, friends, parents have really high expectation of me. This year I decided not to go to university, I always wonder and question what is the point of it. And I got really sick that my whole life I have been told to do this and do that but I never understand why. Everything I see is just a constant race, everyone trying really hard to get some scholarship, go to Ivy League schools. Borrowing huge loans live in debt, high stress and uncomfortable situation.

And if so if indeed going uni that I have been told it would guarantee me a high paying job like 200k. I still have to work 10 years just to save up to 1 million dollar because of tax, by then housing, cost of living probably tripled.

I got really sick of how the culture in school as well, how the teachers and parents treated me. I never ever had my parents nor teachers really care or actually sit down talk and listen to me. All they have done to me were just constant pushing for the grades.