it takes a lot to be an ugly woman

whenever i go out and see women they’re just relatively attractive by default of femininity. there’s beautiful girls of every race, skinny and thick, short and tall, short hair and long hair, more masculine and more feminine, and almost anything you could think of. you have to actually be exceptional to be ugly as a woman, it’s crazy how bad i lost the lottery. like with men they’re just expected to be ugly but women are so much different. whenever men think the word woman a hot one comes to mind. but when women think the word man an ugly one comes to mind. im sick of the common “ugh i wish i was a pretty blonde white girl” like there’s soo many more archetypes of attractive women why can’t i just be ONE of them. why can’t i be like any of all the so different women i know? i just HAD to be me specifically. i can’t think of more than a couple people i know that are as ugly or uglier than me