Looksmaxxing is just bullshit

I’m so fed up of all those stupid looksmaxxing video everywhere, I can’t take it anymore, it’s literally just a big scam created to profit over ugly/insecure people

All those influencers were born with great genetic but they try to pass off as if they worked hard for it saying that is achievable to anyone, just moments ago I saw one that was literally selling a fucking course for 50$ a month

The only people that can “looksmax” are the one that have already an attractive base and are either just overweight or with an horrible acne, all easy things to fix with a skincare and by going to the gym, but your actual attraction level is completely based on the bones in your face and that is something you can change only with surgery

It makes me mad that these guys not only have already everything but want even more by stealing to ugly people who probably have already a miserable life