I’m ugly, deformed, short and balding

I really don’t know where to find some hope, I just discovered that I’m balding, I already had that worries but I couldn’t believe it, I just always thought that is impossible to be that unlucky in life but here we are

Life is just too unfair, made me born 3 months premature giving me a head deformitiy + fucked up all of my face, before I would at least manage to cover the deformity with hair but now it will not be possible to even do that

Fuck I’m only 19, I shouldn’t be worrying about all of this, all I really wanted was just a normal life like anyone else but here I am rotting all day in my room being still a virgin and without friends

Add on top of that that the thing that destroy completely the harmony of my face is my horrible long midface and that there is no surgery to fix it beside maybe a Lefort 3 (impossible to get) + I’m also only 5’8

I really think I should just give up on all of this, if attractive people are genetic miracle then I’m just genetic trash, what even is the sense to keep living when you don’t even have one single good thing in you?