I got the cops called on me
I woke up around 11:50pm from my nap I took at 6ish I need to get some gas. I noticed that there was a surge by my regular gas station figured it may disappear by the time I get there, but was worth a shot, right?
I get to the gas station. It disappears fine whatever I pull into the gas station I get out and pay for the gas on my phone through the app it’s pretty cold outside so I go to get in the rear passenger side to sit down get away from the cold, but I accidentally stumble on the pump stepping over it tiny bit embarrassing no big deal.
So after the gas I sit there for a little bit playing on my phone waiting for a ride and three minutes later I am surrounded by four police cars telling me to step out of the car and then I’m suspected for drunk driving.
After looking at my ID, asking about 50 questions could tell I was not lying then they took down my phone number and sent me on my way,
But what a silly thing to called the police on for!!!
I’m just sitting there, minding my own business
and the car who called was already there before I pulled in. They went to go talk to them at the same time like we got into a fight or something????
TLDR: I got surrounded and questioned by four cops at a gas pump because I stumbled stepping over the fueling pump by some nosey karen