A Poem I Wrote
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if the program I was in as a teenager counts as part of the TTI, but it was emotionally abusive and it traumatized me. A few days ago I said in a post that I wasn't a TTI survivor- I'm still not sure if my experience counts, but I just tend to be very confused and indecisive about what to call what I experienced. Anyways, I write poetry to help me cope with the difficult feelings that come up surrounding this program. I hope it's okay to post this here as I am not 100% sure if my program was part of the TTI, but it was abusive.
“Learning to Swim”
What happens
When you discover
The glassy sea
A current?
How quickly
I forgot
The terrifying struggle
With the deep.
In the beginning,
I thrashed
And kicked
And fought.
But as the tide
Pulled me
Far out to sea,
I could no longer
See the shore,
And deep in my mind,
It was sink
Or swim.
So I rolled over
And floated
And let the current
Drag me where it would.
I became comfortable
With compliance,
And when I finally found
The shore,
I had lost
I found myself,
One day.
I felt the waves
Of the past
Over my head.
Or swim.
And I realized
With a shock
Of clarity
That floating
And I realized,
That in a way,
I was still lost
In the sea.
I climbed
To the peak
Of a grassy hill.
As I gazed
Upon the sea
I perceived
Like never before
Dangerous currents
And destructive waves.
In the shallow water,
I saw a log
Of driftwood,
Into pieces.
So I went
To the shore
And gathered
The splintered wood,
And slowly
But surely,
I began
To make it whole