P&F vs. FF
I don’t claim to know anything for sure but I’ve had an idea tickling my brain for a while now and I just need to get it out. Please, let’s respectfully debate this.
The FF chapter is meant to be in the style of the original FF hunt. So what’s the deal with the original FF hunt? Guy likes to fish, had some great memories fishing(I’m presuming with his dad) and hid a treasure near their fishing hole. Overall, I see this theme to be more about love and time spent with one’s you cherish. The greatest treasure of all.
The PF chapter is more game-like. Heck, a major theme is ready player one. What is ready player one about? A dude who hides treasure inside games. By going through the experiences of the treasure hider, you find it. Overall, this theme is more aimed at making one walk through the originators steps.
On to my point, it seems more likely the theme for PF represents a walkthrough of JCBs FF journey more so than his FF chapter. Forrest hid his treasure in the Rockies(past) and now maybe JCB did too(future). PF chapter was about a guy who hid a treasure, like Forrest. Whereas the FF chapter seems more to mirror Forrest’s style but you’re going on a journey of Jon’s. One he had and wants to share with you, like Forrest.
In conclusion, I believe it makes more sense to look to the Rockies for the PF and elsewhere for the FF box.