Got to thinking....
Got to thinking. Does anyone know when JCB hid these boxes? Because I started thinking about the App Trail box and living in NC and from the same town as JCB grew up in...literally 3 roads over...and knowing how Hurricaine Helene wiped out almost the entire Tennessee/NC border. You can't even get into TN anymore from NC taking I-40. Asheville area, Chimney Rock. In fact, the App Trail website even says that almost the entire northern half of the AST is gone. And isn't reachable and is closed until further notice. Again, towns were wiped out with mudslides and fast moving water. Could that be a clue that the box isn't in that location due to not hearing anything about that possibility? I mean, I know he doesn't want to give away the location but what if the box was taken away and buried under 10 feet of mud and debry and isn't anywhere where the clues would tell you? Just a thought, cause that would suck nuts.