"revealing clothes" when not pretty?

I'm MTF. The other day I wore a kinda short is skirt... Id seen other girls in my friend group at school wearing the same kind of skirt and it looked so good on her and cute... Didn't look as good on me. My friends said I probably shouldn't. I asked why. They said that it looks good when M wears it, cuz she has nice legs, but nobody wants to see my legs. I have chicken legs. Same thing happened when I wore a crop top.

I kinda get it tho. Those sorta clothes are made to make you look hot.. and if you don't.. what's the point of them? Why should I wear a skirt when nobody wants to see my legs? What's the point then? It doesn't make me hot or pretty. Doesn't make me feel good and doesn't make anyone feel good.

Reason people wear revealing clothes is to be hot.. if you're not hot then what's the point?