I thought the Movie was fine.

I like the new Movie. I am tired of the negativity.

We will never get seasons 1-7 again, it just isn’t possible. But, after almost 25 years, the boys are still doing their best and giving us hours of entertainment.

Just for most “fans” to say that they should stop trying and anything made in the last 15 years is hot garbage.

It wasn’t amazing but I thought the movie was pretty damn good, at least compared to season 10 or out of the park. The prison scene had my whole theater laughing along to the chaos, and the ending was super heartwarming and brought back a bit of that classic era heart for me.

If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. But, after all this time I am just glad the boys are still gettin’ drunk and greasy for us.

Just remember… This movie could have been a lot worse.