I noticed the lack of Chinese Tragedeigh here, so here's mine
Not really sure if it counts, but for me it's a real Tragedeigh
So fyi, some Chinese characters have a traditional and simplified way to write it.
My dad likes to choose names where the characters are the same traditional and simplified. But the thing is, a lot of the traditional Chinese characters are hard to write, and when I was born, most easy to write characters are already taken by my cousins.(I am the youngest girl)
So my dad named me 戴碧薇 (Dài bì wēi), together there are 46 steps to write the whole thing, which makes my name the hardest to write in my class (both in elementary and high school)
Since elementary, whenever we have exams I'll have to write my name, and the teacher would wait until everyone is done before they start the exam. And everytime I'd be the last to finish, often getting death glares from my classmates because I am slow asf.
One of my teacher told me to write my name 100 times as punishment when I was 9 (F*** you, Ms Lee) and I cried for the whole time I was writing it (it was during PE too, so I didn't get to play with the others)
I've always hated my name, it doesn't even sound that good...