Husband and I only seem to agree on this name
We're expecting a girl in April and the naming process has been discouraging. We just don't align on much. But we both love the sound of Carolina. Not Caroline- Carolina. Nickname would probably be Cara. It works with our last name and it's gotten a good reception from some relatives so far.
But, I just keep wondering if it's a little "try hard" to use Carolina instead of the much more common "Caroline". But, I just don't like Caroline. And I know she'd probably get people mistaking her name often, but idk if that's a strong enough reason to move past it. We also live in the US in one of the Carolinas. So I wonder if it's mean to give her the name of the state she lives in...
It's just a lovely sound and we're very proud to be from this beautiful state and to be starting our family here so in some ways it feels right. Just not sure what public perception of her name would be. Is it a tragedeigh?
***Edit: Thank you for all the encouragement- and for making me aware of the (much more common) pronounciation!
For clarification- I did intend to use the state pronounciation. Caro-LIE-na, which I still think is very pretty. One of you made an interesting point that she may not love the state as much as we do, in which case she'd have her pick of nicknames or switching to a middle name (which we have yet to pick). But with any name, you'd run the risk of your child wanting to change it in the future and I'd have no qualms about it if she did.
Caro-LEE-na is fabulous. I just never knew that was a name! As I mentioned in the comments, I love the Lena sound and I had even considered "Lena" as a name on its own. I'm so glad to know now that the vast majority of people will read it that way (based on the responses here). It wouldn't bother me if people assumed that was her name, but it's definitely something I'll have to consider before saddling my child with it.
Thanks again to you all!