I just want to stop cleaning

In addition to a toddler who loves eating with her hands and getting into all sorts of just straight-up goo, we have a dog who sheds a lot. We have dark floors, and I have to vacuum every single day.

I feel like as soon as I sit down from cleaning, I plop down and see another thing. There are tiny handprints on the windows, this very minute.

I know it comes with the territory, and someday I will miss her little smudgy fingers. I know AD isn’t coming over for a home tour, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. But I just wish it felt really, truly clean, and I could sit still and enjoy it.

This was my daughter’s first proper day back at daycare this week. Somehow, with work zoom meetings in my AirPods, I: vacuumed and mopped the downstairs, including needing to use alcohol (and then quickly wash it off!) sticky spots; deep cleaned the air fryer;vacuumed the couch: wiped down the counters; Scrubbed down my kid’s standing station; and now I need to clean fingerprints off the windows and tv.

Daycare pickup is in half an hour.