Toddler still sleeping in an empty crib

Hi, I promise I'm not posting to humble brag, genuinely looking for advice!

My daughter is newly 2 and is a great sleeper. She sleeps through the night without issue. She wears a sleep sack and sleeps in her crib. As an infant, we always followed safe sleep and never put anything in the crib with her, and even now she's still in a crib with just a sleep sack + fitted sheet. We've always taken the approach of "if she's sleeping fine, why mess with it?" But as she's getting older, I feel like we're holding her back, not teaching her how to sleep in a more "normal" environment.

We don't plan to transition her to a toddler bed just yet, but every time I see her on the monitor in her empty crib I feel so bad! She has tons of stuffies, but little interest in using them for comfort so far and has never wanted to bring one to bed. I don't think she even knows it's an option. Since we will probably go to a toddler bed within the year, I want to get her used to a pillow/blanket. She moves around a TON in her sleep, and I anticipate will get very distracted by something in the crib with her.

Anybody with similar kiddos and any advice on how to make the transition? I feel like since she is older, she is so set in her ways and routine and I'm nervous about disrupting that!