Most ridiculous reason for an overtired meltdown?

What's the dumbest meltdown your toddler has had while overtired?

It's bedtime. My husband takes him upstairs for brushing teeth, bedtime stories, and bed. (The agreement is that Daddy handles getting him down and I handle overnight issues.)

DH comes downstairs and I turn on the monitor. Suddenly kiddo freaks out and starts screaming. Daddy rushed upstairs. There was a sticker on his left arm and he wanted it on his right arm. Daddy calmly helps him move the sticker and explains that he needs to be careful with it because it's not as sticky anymore and that stickers are not worth being upset about. Daddy comes back downstairs.


Screaming resumes. Husband waits a couple minutes and heads back up muttering that he bets it's the sticker.

LO is screaming, "I broke it!" over and over. He tried to move the sticker again and it was no longer sticky. So I listened on the monitor while my husband explained to the toddler about the mortality of stickers. It was his biggest existential crisis since his first popped balloon.

Our son was asleep five minutes later.