Incremental bios update or update directly to the latest version?

I have a L450, its current bios version is 1.09 latest version available is 1.31. I am facing some issues with the suspend state, of the laptop, on arch Linux 6.6.49-1-lts, when i shut the lid and suspend it after some time it switches off, which was not the case a few days ago. It looks like the latest bios version address this issue.

``` Reset vulnerability for Intel PTT/TPM2.0.

Phoenix Security Advisories: 011-006.

Changed SmmOEMInt15 to return an error after ExitBootServices. X1 extreme SMM arbitrary address write Vulnerability.

Updated Haswell CO/DO MCU to 00000025h (M7240651_00000025) and Broadwell EO/FO MCU to 0000002Eh (MC0306D4_0000002E).system power consumption during sleep. ```

While doing my research i came across this statement "firmware update usually contains all the previous updates as well, they are not like a patch, but completely replace the previous bios version".

If you have any experience with this or maybe if you know something about it, or related to the problem that i am facing, I'll really have appreciate any sort of help.