Nobody could’ve played Paulie Walnuts as good as Tony Sirico

Nobody could’ve played Paulie Walnuts like Tony Sirico did. I’m not sure if Tony Sirico is anything like Poly in real life, but I don’t doubt it to a small degree as even Robert Iler said that Tony Surico is exactly like Paulie Walnuts. Even then.

I have never seen someone portray a character that is so desperate for approval and attention.

Paulie Walnuts as a whole was a giant suck-up who always tried to be Tony’s favorite. If you go back and look at scenes, he’s always the one trying to get Tony’s attention first. Anytime Tony cracks a joke, Paulie literally taps the people around him and points directly at Tony to make sure they heard what Tony said.

Every time Tony gives an order or yells at someone he joins in to reassure Tony that his needs are being met. I get that capos are supposed to follow orders from their boss but damn, Paulie almost makes it seem pathetic. His constant need for approval from Tony makes him sadder and sadder each season.

Even his last words: “I live to serve you, my liege.” It’s like he has no personality of his own.