Does the Democratic Party exist anymore?

I'm not seeing Dems leading the charge on messaging. I'm not seeing articles of impeachment drafted for letting an unelected, unappointed foreigner steal all of our data (yes, I know the GOP has the House, but messaging wars require news hooks and filing articles of impeachment is a news hook), I'm not seeing anyone do anything! And before you nitpick either idea I listed, my specific ideas aren't the point. There are surely a million better ideas. Who is implementing a single one?

I called my two Senators and my Rep (all Dems) to ask what they are doing and to urge them to understand the severity of the moment. I called each office twice. No human being even answered the phones. I got voicemail every time. Yes, I called AFTER lunch hour so that isn't an excuse.

Is Schumer jerking it in the bathroom? Is Jeffries stuck under a rock? WTF is going on? This coup is moving too fast for the Biden/Garland snail pace to save us. And I say that with the most bitter contempt for the mess those two men left us after they played by the old rules and utterly failed to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.

Please BURN UP THE PHONE LINES to your Congressional delegation and hold their feet to the fire! I can't believe it's been a decade and people still don't understand that the old rules are dead and we have to fight with savage aggression in a very different media environment than the one Schumer cut his teeth on when he was coming up the ranks.