This team…
I love this team. As much as anything. But this is abysmal, atrocious, to be playing a do or die game in the way we played it tonight, I’m frankly embarrassed. (Which, given the context of being a soccer fan in Toronto I’m well aware of, and is not bad in and of itself) I’m fine being embarrassed if there’s effort, if there’s pride. But seriously wtf. wtf was that garbage. wtf was this constant inability to penetrate the final third. wtf we’re we doing for 90 minutes except playing a goddamn “game” with Miami. Get rid of insigne, fine. But Berna plays with fucking heart. Osorion, laryea, play with some heart. Kobe and kosi play with heart. I’m so tired of watching a team that plays for a pay check and not for winning. We won the fucking treble goddamn it, fucking act like it.