Goddamn pedophiles man..

So, yesterday I got a message from someone (we shared the same music tastes). I - like an idiot - thought this was a nice, normal person who shared the same music tastes and that we could exchange songs we liked. Then she started saying weird things like; "You're a really good person" and "I really love chatting with you". And I knew it was weird and abnormal, but I am in so much emotional pain that I ignored it because I just wanted someone to bond with, so I looked the other way. We kept talking today, until she literally admitted to feeling romantic emotions for me...she is 22. I am 13. And so I blocked her after she started calling me "love" and "lovely".

TL;DR: A pedophile messaged me, and I am stupid so I thought it was a legitimately normal person and bonded with this person, until she literally told me she had non-platonic feelings for me

Edit: I'm really trying to answer everyone's comments, wasn't expecting so many people to see this. Thank you to all the supportive ones (most of you). I am doing ok now regarding this subject, I just wish it were a normal person, and it sucks to think someone is normal to find out they aren't. And not thank you to the few who are *not* so supportive (thankfully, not most of you).

Edit 2: Yes, she knew I was 13.