I need some relationship advice (15, transfem)

So my online friend, lets call him B (15, M) has liked me for about 7 months and recently has started trying to make moves on me and im a bit conflicted.

Pros • hes sweet • has been in a relationship atleast once before • my friends like him • would be committed • we have similar interests and hyperfixations

Cons • can be a bit annoying sometimes • a lot of trauma • I’m scared he’ll do something harmful to himself if i break up with him, and it would probably mess up our friend group • I’ve never been in a relationship before • if we DID end up dating it’d just be for me to see what a relationship is like and it would probably be one sided since idk what id do in a relationship

I know it is probably a bad idea and would ultimately be more harmful, but i AM curious..

Our other 2 friends are also dating (all 4 of us are across the country from eachother, except me and one of the dating 2.