I can’t feel love

Just to make it clear, no i have never been a victim of abuse in any way but everyone around me constantly tells me that I should show more affection towards the people that I care about but I just can’t, there simply isn’t a part of me that allows me to, no I’m Not a sigma male or whatever, it just can’t happen naturally, there isn’t a moment where I feel the need to show it and when I want to I just can’t like there is something that doesn’t allow me to do it, my mother constantly jokes that I don’t love her because I don’t show it, of course I love my Mother but I just can’t show affection, I don’t hug kiss or even tell people that I care about them, I regret everyday that I don’t but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I know I need to work on it but at this stage I begin to think I’m cursed or something.