People are so inconsiderate about whats happing with the California fires.
People who obviously dont live here think they can judge people who do.
i am seeing a lot of people saying “oh its a rich state” and “the fires are only affecting the rich” and they aren’t even talking about celebrities. One person said there uncle bought a house in the 70s for 64k and he lost it in the fires. Everyone was replying “thats not a cheap house 😭” and “you cant use your rich uncle as a example“ then the OG commenter reply’s saying that their uncle is not rich and he dosent have another house.
So he did lose his house and hes homeless. There’s such a disconnect. And i understand a lot more people lost there homes and they dont have houses and they are not rich. But the above was an example of how you can have a nice house but not be rich.
people also just see California as a “celebrity state” and i guess. But a lot of just everyday people lost their homes, businesses, schools.
you dont even have to feel sympathy for the celebrities that have many houses. But you cant just assume someone’s rich because they had a house that cost a lot of money. And immediately downgrade the impact the fires had on them.
if you dont live here or have family who do then you cant make an honest assessment on whats happening.