PSA: Stop risking embarrassment by not locking your doors (and stop posting about it) - In response to u/bmw_enthusiastt

If you’re gonna, you know, do the thing, for the love of everything, lock your door. Or at the very least, make sure nobody can just barge in like it’s a free-for-all. Because let’s be real, getting walked in on is next-level embarrassing, both for you and the person who walked in. Nobody needs that mental image burned into their brain.

But here’s the second part of this PSA: do NOT post about it online. Seriously, it’s awkward enough in real life; broadcasting it to strangers just makes it worse. Your business doesn’t need to be everyone else’s cringe content for the day.

So please, save yourself (and others) the humiliation. Lock the door, check your surroundings, and keep private stuff, well, private. You’ll thank yourself later.