Tax help if possible.

Hope this is ok to post.

I (30m) and my younger brother (28m) own and live in a home together, but do our taxes separately, using freetaxusa. This will be the 1st full year in which we have lived here start to finish.

It is also a duplex, for which we collect rent and intend to report obviously. This is not under an llc. It is 11,400/year. I entered 50% usage as business. We are both claiming $5700 additional income from the rental part of the house.

Because we do not intend to file together we split income down the middle from that, as well as expenses. He makes under 40k/ year, I made 87k before the rent.

I entered the depreciation of the home and was shocked to see that I was according to them, supposed to get a refund of close to 2500 instead of paying taxes on the extra income.

Does this seem normal to you all? I know its hard to getva big picture over reddit, but normally our taxes are very simple.