Weight Loss and ADHD Tattoo Questions

Hey guys,

Long story short, I'm 33 and I never looked after myself through mental health and whatever. Through changing my habits, increasing exercise, etc, since August or September 2023: I've gone from 26 stone (165kg) to 16 stone 5lbs (103kg). My goal is 13.5 stoneish (86ish kg).

I always wanted tattoos... But I never did due to my self-image. I have some questions and struggled to find answers online:

  1. Now I have a lot of loose skin. Especially on my stomach, chest, upper legs and upper arms. How does that impact tattoos?

  2. Am I better waiting until my goal weight? So my skin is settled?

  3. I have a few skin tags (more common in overweight people plus my genetics). How do they effect tattoos? I have quite a few on my neck for example, and some on my chest.

The other aspect that worries me is my ADHD/social awkwardness/general anxiety:

  1. I have ADHD. It makes sitting still frustrating sometimes. What can I do about this?

  2. I'm socially awkward, small talk with a tattoo artist in a busy studio would be killer for me. It's my worst nightmare. Especially removing my shirt and stuff... Is there some way of a more "private" tattoo experience for more money? (I'm in UK)

  3. Part of my anxiety/ADHD/Meds means I do not maintain my body temperature well. I get hot quick which makes me sweat. If I'm anxious I sweat more. I get anxious about sweating... It becomes a vicious circle. Then I worry I smell... How do you find an understanding artist?

I guess for a lot of this: I need an understanding artist who is easy to communicate and explain the issues to. How do I find one? What's the best way 🤣

Sorry for all the questions.