Things I would change in suzerain

I love this game, I have played for countless hours, and I have been enjoying it every single time, but there are a few things that i think would help the game. This thing are:

MORE ECONOMIC OPTIONS:what I mean by more ECONOMIC options is that in a lot of cases the game forces you to choose (in some cases they don't been let you choose) between black or white, when in real life politics is a lot of grays. For instance when you form the anti-corruption police you cannot decide how much funding you can put in there, I believe that might help if you could choose between a big (which would force to spend and additional 1 of the budget) medium (the standard amount of money) and small (which would give you 1 that you could choose no to spent or give it to the interior ministry). And these options could have different effects, like big would allow persecuting two factions at the same time, medium that standard, and small would only affect a faction in a smaller scale (like if you choose to investigate the oligarchs you could only arrest on of "the big two", that's how i cal Marcel and Walter). This same thing could also be applied to many more parts of the game like the military the secret services or not only on the budget allocation but in many more moments of the game like the super project or the tax cuts or tax hikes, there are much more ways to add more choices in all game. MORE POLITICAL OPTIONS: I am gone be straight forward after winning the war with rumburg I want to kill all the rumburgian aristocrats including the queen and choose the execution way (so I can choose the painful one). Obviously there is more like being able to kick out a minister and hire a new one, being more involved in the campaign, having more laws to choose between vetoing or singing them (vetoing the majority just to troll the assembly), being able to change more thing about the constitution (like do i want to have a parliamentary, presidential or semipresidential republic?, federal confederal, centralist?. Do I want secularism state atheism or state religion? And many, many more), this is just few things of many others that i think that would be great if they added in to the game. MORE THING TO CHOOSE ABOUT THE PAST AND FUTURE OF OUR BOY ANTON: Like maybe not the beginning, but certainly some ending scenarios should have more options like I've literary save our country from economic collapse, corruption, won a war and expanded our territory, reformed the constitution, and much more. I want to do much more that to do some ambiguous choices at the end I want to ensure that the future of Sordland is in safe hands I MUST be able to do some more. MAP IMPROVING: there are many things that would help to improve the suzerain experience if they improved the map. First, FINISH THE FUCKING MAP like we aren't sure if the map we see is half the world or 10% of the fliping world finish the map even if you do separate one like the having three maps one of sorland, one of the region and another of the world. Second, they could add a physical map so that we could learn a little more how sordland looks like, with mountains and more. Third, seeing the map change after war, I see that the map stay exactly the same after the war and I think that changing the map cording to the result of the war would be much more interesting. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SUZERAIN WORLD: We have a very limited amount of knowledge about what is the story of the suzerain world, more information about every country their traditions culture economy politics ideas, and much more we just have a limited amount of information not only about our neighboring countries, but also we don't know completely many things about our own country sordland. Putting more information would help to have a more immersive experience STATISTICS: the only statistics that we have a from Simon (in the economic area) and from some reports with little to no information. Maybe it would help if there was a place in which all the economic social political statistics were in there and updated in every chapter (and obviously affected by your decision). MORE CHARACTER Customization: Okay I know this is a silly one but plis hear me out I would like more options to help our friend Anton to look better (or worse) throw out the game, no effects on the results of game ofc, but just for the player to enjoy. It's really the least important one, but in wanted to add it to the list.
LONGER STORY:I am not complaining about the current length of the story its just that, first one or two chapters more wouldn't hurt, and second is that with all the other thing that I suggested if they were to apply (which I hope they do but doubt that they will ever read this) maybe the game would need more space to develop the story smoothly. BETTER REPORTS: the current reports are shit like some short line and half of them have no relevant information. Maybe a system in which the reports had more relevant information and was a bit longer and well structure would help the game. This also applies to Suzerain DLC These are my opinions it is perfectly valid if someone disagrees with me and everybody have the right and duty to stand up a criticizes something they have heard that they don't agree with (although that would make you an idiot) And again I love the game and I think that it's one of the best games that I have played, and the purpose of these post is just a list of something that I believe could help to improve the game a lot.