what succs NOT to get if you’re dealing with powdery mildew:
as a succulent owner who’s been dealing with this snowy BS for 2+ years on and off I thought I’d share my list of succulents that are, in my experience, extremely prone to contracting powdery mildew- and some that are practically resistant because hey, I want this to be a somewhat positive post!
very susceptible to PM:
-E. Perle Von Nurnberg
-E. Hercules
-darker Echeveria (Black Knight/Prince especially)
-most Kalanchoe (paddle plants, panda plants, Mother of Thousands, etc)
-most ruffled or “wavy” Echeveria (shaviana, Neon Breakers, Blue Curls, etc)
-E. Costa
-for some reason pale and often blue Echeveria (think Blue Atoll, Blue Prince, Pollux)
-Jellybean sedum
-LESS susceptible but can still contract it:
-Pachyveria/Pachyphytum/Graptopetalum etc etc
-Portulacaria Afra (elephant bushes)
-E. Dionysos
-Adromischus (i.e Calico Hearts)
-fuzzy fellas (E. setosa, Ruby Slippers, Bear Paw)
-E. agavoides
-ghost plants for some reason
LEAST susceptible (as in not even sure if it can get it/very unlikely to)
-most cacti
-Anacampseros (especially rufescens)
-grass-like/ground cover sedums
-most Aloes
-Moonstones for some reason
-Lithops/any “living rock” type
-Faucaria (Tiger’s Jaw)
-String of’s (pearls, hearts, dolphins, etc)*
keep in mind this is all from my own personal experience and may just be purely anecdotal! that being said everything I listed in the least susceptible category are plants I own that, despite having been in PM infested areas for weeks to months at a time, have never contracted the disease themselves or at the very least have yet to.