Why are there always people on the internet rallying to a woman's support when she's presented in a negative light but never when it's about men?
I noticed that when you talk about women on the internet in a specific way people will rally to their support without even knowing the women in question and in most cases try to twist it in a way that makes it seem like it ultimately was the man's fault. A very good example is whenever I talk about my online dating experiences and talk about a woman being shallow or the feeling that we didn't match intellectually there are people who say stuff like "Sorry, but she probably was just bored and didn't find the convo engaging enough to present herself in a more engaging way." - Or there was that one situation in which a woman asked me for my number and then never added me on WhatsApp. People tried to make me look like a creep for asking her what's the matter and that she reconsidered and probably made the right decision not to add me. If a woman makes the same threads about a guy being shallow or someone who stops texting her back it's always like "Forget about him, he's a douche, he doesn't deserve you" - There's no foul assumptions regarding what the woman might have done wrong and certainly nobody rallies to the guy's support without further context.