Physical and Mental Health after almost 3 Weeks

Posting this to encourage others. I stopped almost 3 weeks ago and have been going to the gym regularly for light running and weights. Most noticeable physical health improvements: no racing heart at night and when waking up (resting heart rate is about 60/min) acid reflux and occasional nausea completely gone, good sleep with very vivid and entertaining dreams, dry red blotches on face gone. Also I am brushing teeth and showering regularly. Eating better, no more midnight snacks of a whole bag of chips and dip. Just not having that day-long low-grade hangover is a real plus. Drawbacks have been some headaches and muscle soreness. Most noticeable mental health improvements: less gloomy, late night dark thoughts have stopped. Better able to deal with frustrations and disappointments during the day. I have gotten this far and failed many times before. I need to remember these positives and keep on.