Missing episodes on HBO Max?

For context, I'm from Latin America. Just saying that because I think it might just be a Latam thing.

So I recently subscribed to HBO Max, and I wanted to watch the series, but I noticed some episodes were missing, listed on different seasons, or not even in order. I had to look up the list of episodes on a wiki to check that but I don't remember exactly which ones are missing or listed wrong so bear with me.

For example, at least two or three episodes from season 1 are listed under season 2. Season 1 also contains three episodes from season 2. Season 3 contains the last four episodes from season 2. Season 4 jumps from episode 7 to episode 9, so it's missing episode 8. And I think season 5 is missing the last episode (or last two).

I wanted to know if anyone else noticed/experienced this. I don't know why some episodes are missing or listed like that, but I at least want to see if I'm the only one this has happened to.