Giveaway: Any Game on Steam (2x up to $100)

Update: Raffle is closed:

Grats to u/al3x95md and @Dr_Atom !

We’re friends of the (currently super busy, since it’s almost release time) devs of Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders.

In this exciting follow-up to Lonely Mountains: Downhill, you’ll crash, retry, and master the mountain until you reach perfection. This version brings snowy terrain, plus co-op and competitive modes for up to 8 players!

Giveaway Details:
We’re giving away 2 games of your choice for may $100 each! Here’s how to enter:

  1. Drop a comment below to participate.
  2. Winners will be selected using Reddit Raffler on Jan 16th at 1 PM Berlin Time (that’s 4 AM PST).

If the game sounds like your kind of fun, consider adding it to your Steam wishlist—it really helps the devs and means a lot! (Though it is optional and does not increase your chance of winning!)

Good luck to all!