Age gap

I have some questions that are spiraling in my brain as I continue to get asked “when is baby #2 coming” “do you want another” “now is the perfect time to have another” “have another baby” “your kid is bored” AND SOOOO ON!!

If you have more than one kid, what is their age gap? Did you plan it? Do you love/hate it? Was it hard going from 1 to 2? 2 to 3?

If you only have one kid, do you want another? How many? If you don’t want anymore is there a reason? What age gap do you want? Are you scared of having another? Does your s/o also want more kids or not?

My answers: I do want another, but I’m also VERY content with my one baby but wouldnt mind 1 or 2 more. I used to want the age gap to be close like 2-3 years, but now that I have a 2 yr old, I’d have to have a kid this year to get that age gap - I just can’t imagine rn. I am scared of having another because my labor postpartum was like no other - I’m terrified of it all happening again. But I also want to have a better experience and I know I wont have that unless I work on myself, and I plan to do that this year. I want to lose weight, I want to have a healthy relationship with my body before getting pregnant again. My husband does want more kids, but he just says “not now” lol

Share yours!! Share your story if you’re comfortable!