TNG's Encounter at Farpoint and Admiral McCoy: does the appearance make sense in universe?

Long time Star Trek viewer, growing up watching TOS on VHS, and enjoying a lot of the shows since then. But, The Next Generation didn't land quite as well for me as others so I just caught bits and pieces through my youth and recently have tried a rewatch. I have Paramount Plus for JAG and NCIS, and thought I'd watch Trek again.

But, Encounter at Farpoint is so hard for me to get through for me. But, one thing that jumped out at me was Admiral McCoy's visit. While a very minor aspect of the episode, it stood out to me in a way that was kind of distracting.

So, I am curious to see if I might be alone in this viewpoint, which is fine. But I would love to hear other people's thoughts on if Admiral McCoy's appearance makes sense or if it stands out oddly to anyone else?

Peace and long life.