The only reason why reservation is there because of mentality of upper castes
As you are aware that OBC reservation started in 90s. Till 90s, there was only SC ST reservation and guess what was also there- Interviews for even group D posts. We expected that upper caste will be neutral but instead they used the subjectiveness of interviews for their own benefit. they filled majority of seats with upper castes only.
OBC though it was not intelligent but recent SSC CGL cutoffs does not prove this. Where are top management in bureaucracy and PSUs from OBC. Simple, they could not clear the interview despite almost scoring at similar levels at UR
Some OBC claim that reservation is unnecessary. just check the departments where they have no reserved seats for OBCs and try find OBC recruits- Judiciary, media, army. Yes that was how beauracracy and PSUs looked at before mandal reservations
So let UR tell how reserved category is meritless they will anyway tell this irrespective of reservation. who cares. for them EWS is necessary reservation but OBC reservation is useless . they protested violently against OBC reservation but accepted EWS reservation