Need submissions specifically from total beginners:

Okay so stay with me, I’ve been participating in a lot of these threads and realized there’s a ton of really raw but cool music on here made by people who don’t have a lot of experience

I am looking for submissions from beginner producers with less than 6 months experience to be shared on demonetized accounts across social media platforms.

This is to generate exposure for the quirkier part of this hobby that we all spend at least some of our journey doing.

What I get out of this is experience operating a social media account. That’s literally it. I plan to remain anonymous.

I want to be clear about a couple of things:

1) there WILL be a selection process, but all submissions will not be accepted. We are looking for off the wall but not non-musical. Reviews will be done by SWIM to remain impartial as we are able to take time away from other projects.

2) these are not releases and I am not encouraging you guys to stop improving, I will offer constructive criticism but we are specifically looking for tracks that lack the polish of even amateur productions, so whatever you submit will be the version that goes up. There will be no monetization of this project so don’t send me music that you may want to release.

3) everyone will be credited and you are ABSOLUTELY free to create a pseudonym to put these songs under. I actually encourage it because you will want to be able to react to the thoughts of the followers who see it

4) last thing, I just had this idea TODAY, everything will be done on instagram and handled anonymously by me or others as people from the community want to get involved.

The account is already up so we would need the first batch of submissions to get started.

You can drop them in the DMs of this account if you like, you’d be getting in at the ground floor! Literally zero followers.

This message is about the establishment of an archive of noobie production deep cuts and in no way represents an attempt to profit or solicit anything but the participation of the community. All of the accounts related to this project will start off, and will always be demonetized until such time as the process has been evaluated by the artists responsible for all previous submissions.

A submission to this account in no way guarantees that a post will be made containing your music, a post in no way guarantees an increase in listeners or exposure. A submission will not always get a response containing feedback or a response at all, feel free to keep trying.

Those who submit and are made into a reel will be notified by direct message and given the link to the Instagram account, and added to this post.


Less than 6 mo production experience

cool with people maybe not getting it

I plead the grace of the mods because I think this is a really unique way for me to give back to the community. I think this is a good way for beginners to get their music out sooner and start taking reactions from the public earlier.

I look forward to hearing your submissions

The Instagram is live and can be found under “deep.cuts.from.cracked.daws”

Thank you